Influential PC And Gaming Tweeters

There are so many fantastic tweeters and gaming people out there in cyberspace and these are 11 of the best gaming journos, reviewers, writers that we have had the pleasure of coming across!

Definitely worth a follow!

@davescook Dave is an award winning game critic and a prolific tweeter, he writes for several websites including the hugely influential VG247.

@danbojones Dan is the deputy editor of, a hugely influential website focusing on the business of gaming and the gaming industry at large.

@lazygamers Gavin runs the website, a huge gaming review website which also features some of our favourite featured articles.

@patlike Patrick is one of the UKs top gaming writers his articles have been featured on Huffington post, he also has a prolific twitter profile.

@philhornshaw Phil writes for and he has also co-authored books and writes his own books.

@leighalexander Leigh is one of the top gaming contributors in the world and works with Edge as well as many creative projects worldwide including Kotaku.

@glentickle Glen is a comedian and an editor at, a blog which features some of the most fantastic articles we have ever read, including lots of gaming links and news.

@chrisgrant Chris is a former editor at Joystiq, one of the worlds biggest and best gaming blogs, he now runs polygon a huge gaming blog giving in-depth analysis of the gaming industry.

@diodesign Chris is a co-editor of The Register who provide some of the best tech information in the world.

@kartikmdgl Kartik is the editor of, who writes some of our favourite gaming articles and some of the smartest editorial and feature posts in the world!

@tombramwell Tom is the editor of which is one of the largest gaming websites in the western hemisphere; they also publish fantastic features and reviews.  

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