The Gaming PC in 2013

This is our ultimate gaming PC for 2013

Ultiamte gaming PC 2013

Gaming PCs in 2013 are becoming incredible powerful, this spec is a round up of some of the most powerful PC components available today that we stock, for a spec very similar check out the hydro-x. Click the image above for the full size! PROCESSOR: There is nothing better than putting in a six core hyperthreaded i7 3970k in your system, it will do more than you could ever imagine, our favourite heart, brain and soul of your PC! MOTHERBOARD: The beautiful X79 chipset on top of our beautiful ASUS motherboard will accommodate all sandybridge extreme i7's to the very max! A great Mobo! RAM:Patriot RAM 1600MHZ is awesome and having 16gbs of the stuff will get all those saves and small data caches of all your favourite games. GRAPHICS CARD: Top end GTX 680/690 or AMDs 7970 are the best graphics cards in the market today, both nVidia and AMD strive to give gamers the ultimate performance and this is reflected with these cards, add a SLI/Crossfire combination and get two cards powering your games! SSD AND HARD DRIVES: Getting two hard drives with mirroring will help keep all your data safe, remember to back up, 2Tbs is more than enough to handle most peoples requirements and needs. Get a beautiful OCZ SSD to install your operating system and games for the ultimate speedy response rate.







What Else?

3D monitorMONITOR: Combine with some of the great 3D games available now such as Assassins Creed 3, this amazing ASUS 27 inch Monitor with 3D glasses is a beautiful addition to that visual experience, it also has a lazer that will monitor your head movements.






Coolermaster keyboard

KEYBOARD: Coolermasters mechanical keyboard has been made with the gamer in mind, perfect key strokes and beautiful LED lighting, CMstorm make great peripherals for gamers and this is one of our personal favourites!






  Coolermaster Storm mouseMOUSE: If you get the CM storm Trigger keyboard, getting the Sentinel Advance II mouse to be its counterpart is just perfect, the beautiful shape has many, many features including an 8200 DPI lazer resolution and 128 memory for profiles and macros.

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